Bollywood actress Vidya Balan has become a victim of impersonation on Instagram, where a fake account was created using her name. It has been reported that through this account, people were demanded money. Moreover, several individuals associated with Bollywood were also contacted. However, the actress has now lodged an FIR against an unknown person.
Bollywood actress Vidya Balan has been making headlines recently, not for any film, but due to a case of a fake Instagram account. It has recently come to light that a fake Instagram account was created in Vidya Balan’s name, through which money was demanded from people. In the meantime, the actress has filed an FIR against an unknown person with the Mumbai police. According to sources, an unknown person first created an Instagram ID in Vidya Balan’s name and then prepared a Gmail account as well. Attempts were made through these two accounts to contact people associated with Bollywood. It has been discovered that continuous fraud was being committed in the name of Vidya Balan.
Creating a Fake Instagram Account to Demand Money: Recently, information has been received that a fake account was created in the name of Vidya Balan to demand money from unsuspecting individuals by assuring them of jobs. However, as soon as Vidya Balan learned about the existence of a fake account in her name, she took immediate action. Vidya Balan has complained to the Mumbai police about this matter. An FIR has been registered under section 66(C) of the IT Act against the unknown person at the Khar Police Station. Investigation has also begun. Currently, no information has emerged regarding the identity of the unknown person. However, Vidya Balan has advised her fans to stay vigilant against such fake accounts. This is not the first case; fake accounts have been created in the names of several other celebrities as well. Moreover, demands for money from people are also being made.
Vidya Balan has been in the news for her upcoming movie ‘Bhool Bhulaiya 3’ in recent days. She has made an entry as Manjulika in the film. Consequently, she is trending everywhere. Taking advantage of this, an unknown person tried to deceive people. However, the matter has come to light in time. Now, the police are investigating the case.