Netflix debuted “The Indrani Mukerjea Story: The Buried Truth,” a documentary series focusing on the Sheena Bora murder case, on Thursday, following the Bombay High Court’s dismissal of a plea by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to halt its streaming.
In summary:
- Netflix releases documentary on Indrani Mukerjea on Thursday
- Release follows Bombay High Court’s rejection of CBI’s petition against streaming
- Indrani Mukerjea accused of murdering daughter Sheena Bora in 2012; trial ongoing
The documentary series explores the case of Indrani Mukerjea, who stands accused of killing her daughter Sheena Bora. Originally set to premiere on Netflix on February 23, the series, titled ‘The Indrani Mukerjea Story: The Buried Truth’, centers on the disappearance of 25-year-old Bora.
Following objections from the CBI, expressing concerns about the potential influence on the judicial process, the High Court initially instructed the documentary makers to postpone its release. However, on Thursday, the court permitted its release, dismissing the CBI’s plea for a stay until the conclusion of the trial.
Sheena Bora was allegedly strangled to death in a car by Mukerjea, her former driver Shyamvar Rai, and ex-husband Sanjeev Khanna in April 2012. Bora was Mukerjea’s daughter from a previous relationship, and her body was subsequently burnt in a forest in Maharashtra’s Raigad district.
The murder case gained attention in 2015 when Rai disclosed the killing following his arrest in an unrelated case. Mukerjea was arrested in August 2015 but was granted bail in May 2022. The other accused, Rai, Khanna, and Peter Mukerjea, Indrani’s ex-husband, are also out on bail.
While the CBI argued that the documentary could sway public opinion and potentially influence the judicial process, the court, having watched the series itself, determined that the CBI’s concerns were unfounded and permitted the release to proceed.