The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the schedule and exam details for the Common University Entrance Test-Undergraduate (CUET-UG 2024). The entrance exam, crucial for undergraduate admissions, will be conducted in a hybrid mode from May 15 to May 31, 2024, with results expected on June 30. CUET-UG 2024 will offer exams in 13 languages across 380 cities, including 26 cities abroad.
NEW DELHI: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced the online registration schedule for the Common University Entrance Test-Undergraduate (CUET-UG 2024) on Tuesday. Scheduled to take place from May 15 to May 31, 2024, CUET-UG 2024 results will be declared on June 30. Additionally, subject-wise dates for CUET-PG 2024, commencing from March 3, 2024, were also revealed by the agency on Tuesday.
Online registration for CUET UG 2024 opens on Tuesday (11:50 PM) and will remain open until March 26 (11:50 PM). A two-day correction window will be provided on March 28 and 29 (11:50 PM), with details regarding examination cities available from April 30, 2024.
Last year, around 14.9 lakh registrations were received for CUET-UG. As per a notification from NTA, CUET-UG 2024 will be conducted in a hybrid mode, allowing both computer-based and pen-paper testing. This overhaul aims to streamline the examination process and limit subject choices to six.
CUET-UG, introduced in 2022, offers a unified platform for students seeking admission to various universities and institutions across India. Detailed program information and eligibility criteria are available on respective university websites and Aspirants are advised to review eligibility requirements before selecting subjects for CUET-UG 2024.
This competitive exam will be available in 13 languages, including English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu, and will be held across 380 cities, with an additional 26 cities outside India included in the exam centers.
Candidates have a wide range of choices, with 33 languages and 27 subjects to choose from. Each candidate can select any subject or language as per their preference and the requirements of their desired university or institution. The exam consists of 50 questions per language, and candidates need to attempt 40 out of 50 questions.
Candidates can opt for a maximum of six subjects or languages from the available options, which are divided into three sections. The General Test, comprising 60 questions, is applicable for admission to various undergraduate programs offered by universities. NTA advises candidates to choose at least one language and the General Test.
The duration of each test paper is generally 45 minutes, except for Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, Accountancy, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Computer Science/Informatics Practices, and General Tests, which have a duration of 60 minutes. The exam will be conducted over multiple days, with two or three shifts depending on the number of candidates and subject choices.
CUET-PG 2024 exams are scheduled from March 11 to 28, with two shifts each day. The complete examination comprises 44 shifts, with each shift lasting for 105 minutes. CUET (PG) тАУ 2024 will cover 157 subjects for 4,62,589 unique registered candidates, who will undergo 7,68,389 tests. Candidates have the option to choose a maximum of four test papers/subjects.