Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, a coalition has finally been formed between AAP and Congress. In a joint press conference held today in Delhi, details regarding seat-sharing were disclosed. Congress leader Mukul Wasnik informed that after extensive discussions, a final agreement on seat-sharing between AAP and Congress has been reached. According to Wasnik, AAP will contest on 4 seats in Delhi, while Congress will compete on 3 seats, including Chandni Chowk. Additionally, Congress will field its candidate in the Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat.
New Delhi: Congress and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) have announced seat-sharing for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, with AAP contesting on four seats and Congress on three seats in Delhi. A senior Congress leader shared this information. Furthermore, AAP will also contest in Gujarat’s Bharuch and Bhavnagar constituencies, as well as Haryana’s Kurukshetra Lok Sabha seat. Congress senior leader Mukul Wasnik, along with AAP leaders Sandeep Pathak, Sourav Bharadwaj, and Atishi, made the announcement during a joint press conference.
They stated that AAP will contest in South Delhi, West Delhi, East Delhi, and New Delhi parliamentary constituencies, while Congress will contest in Chandni Chowk, North West Delhi, and North East Delhi seats. The national capital has a total of seven Lok Sabha seats, all of which were won by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the previous Lok Sabha elections. Wasnik mentioned that AAP will also contest in Gujarat’s Bharuch and Bhavnagar Lok Sabha seats, as well as in Haryana’s Kurukshetra seat. It was decided after lengthy discussions that Congress will field its candidate from the Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat.
There has been a deadlock between both parties regarding Bharuch as senior Congress leader Ahmed Patel’s son Faisal Patel and daughter Mumtaz Patel opposed AAP being given this seat. Faisal and his sister Mumtaz were being considered for the Congress ticket from this seat. AAP had already announced its MLA Chetan Vasava as its candidate from the Bharuch Lok Sabha seat. Congress and AAP have decided to contest separately in Punjab. The Lok Sabha elections are proposed for April-May.