Former cricketer and Delhi MP Gautam Gambhir has made a formal request to BJP president JP Nadda to release him from his political responsibilities on Saturday. Gambhir’s decision stems from his desire to allocate more time to his forthcoming cricket commitments. Expressing gratitude, Gambhir conveyed sincere appreciation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah for the opportunity to serve the nation.
In a statement, Gambhir stated, ”I have requested Hon’ble Party President @JPNadda ji to relieve me of my political duties so that I can focus on my upcoming cricket commitments. I sincerely thank Hon’ble PM @narendramodi ji and Hon’ble HM @AmitShah ji for giving me the opportunity to serve the people. Jai Hind!”
I have requested Hon’ble Party President @JPNadda ji to relieve me of my political duties so that I can focus on my upcoming cricket commitments. I sincerely thank Hon’ble PM @narendramodi ji and Hon’ble HM @AmitShah ji for giving me the opportunity to serve the people. Jai Hind!
— Gautam Gambhir (@GautamGambhir) March 2, 2024
With this move, Gambhir aims to effectively manage his dual roles and responsibilities.
Having joined the BJP in March 2019, Gambhir swiftly emerged as a significant figure within the party in Delhi. He clinched victory in the East Delhi seat during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections with a remarkable margin of 6,95,109 votes.