Tejashwi Yadav, the former Deputy CM of Bihar and the son of Lalu Yadav and Rabri Devi, has been conducting roadshows in several districts under the Jan Vishwas Yatra. Recently, he reached Supaul while touring Vaishali, Samastipur, Darbhanga, and Madhubani. During these roadshows, the common people of Bihar eagerly thronged to catch a glimpse of him, creating a massive crowd akin to a tidal wave on the roads. Some party workers even climbed onto JCBs to shower flowers on their beloved leader.
Tejashwi Yadav’s unique style was on display during the roadshow when he transformed into a reporter, initiating reporting for Kasis News. The former Deputy CM took the microphone from reporter Amit Kumar Singh’s hands and began elaborating on the entire journey. Witnessing Tejashwi Yadav’s demeanor, his supporters and workers were left astonished. Tejashwi Yadav also spoke in Bhojpuri, saying, “The crowd is ‘humch’…”
During this time, Tejashwi Yadav announced, “On March 3, you all should come to Patna. Laloo Yadav has invited you. We are only here to seek your support. Who was the first to promise jobs to the youth of Bihar? Nitish Kumar has been hijacked by the BJP. What he couldn’t do in 17 years, we have achieved for the youth of Bihar in 17 months.”
The Jan Vishwas Yatra witnessed people eagerly awaiting to catch a glimpse of Tejashwi. People climbed onto the roofs of houses and shops along the roadside. Flower showers were bestowed upon his procession in various places. Although people requested him to address them, he continued to invite them to the rally scheduled in Patna.
The overwhelming love of the people was evident, leaving Tej Pratap Yadav quite emotional. During this time, he expressed his determination to strengthen the RJD-led alliance and vowed to place his Arjun on the throne of Hastinapur. Furthermore, he affirmed his roots in Mahua, his constituency, stating that he has always received unwavering affection from the people. He extended an invitation to all to join the Jan Vishwas rally in Patna on March 3, emphasizing that everyone must come as Laloo Ji has called for it.