Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, the challenges for the Congress in Uttar Pradesh seem to be easing to some extent. According to sources, discussions have resumed between the Congress and the Samajwadi Party (SP) regarding seat sharing in Uttar Pradesh. It is almost finalized between the two parties, and an official announcement could be made anytime soon. Sources claim that Priyanka has initiated talks and reached an agreement on the negotiation with SP. She has spoken with Rahul Gandhi and then with Akhilesh Yadav. It is said that during these discussions, Congress has agreed to leave the demand for the Muradabad seat under the seat-sharing arrangement. The official announcement of seat distribution could be made today or tomorrow. Akhilesh Yadav is currently in Muradabad and may return to Lucknow by evening. It is also being speculated that the SP may withdraw its candidate from Varanasi.
Meanwhile, SP chief Akhilesh Yadav has stated that the alliance between the SP and the Congress will happen, and there are no disputes between us. Soon, all matters will be clear.
On the other hand, the Congress is seeking changes in the seats given by Akhilesh. Congress wants to exchange the Hathras seat with SP and receive Sitapur in return. SP is showing signs of agreement on this demand. Secondly, either Bulandshahr or Mathura seat can be taken by SP, and Congress can be given Shravasti. SP is considering this option.
It was reported on Tuesday that for the Lok Sabha elections 2024, the Samajwadi Party is trying to create pressure on Congress by issuing another list of its candidates. It was said that under this strategy, the Samajwadi Party had announced the names of its candidates for 5 Lok Sabha seats in Uttar Pradesh. In this list, Surendra Singh Patel was announced from Varanasi. It was seen as a strategy to put pressure on Congress by Akhilesh Yadav. Meanwhile, the party has made Shivpal Singh Yadav a candidate instead of Dharmendra Yadav from Badaun. In this way, the party has announced the names of 32 candidates so far.
The Samajwadi Party has announced candidates like Ikra Hasan from Kairana, Praveen Singh Aron from Bareilly, Ajendra Singh Rajput from Hamirpur, and Surendra Singh Patel from Varanasi. Along with this, the party has made Mahboob Ali and Ramavatar Saini in charge of Amroha, Dharmendra Yadav for Kannauj, and Azamgarh respectively. Additionally, Manoj Chaudhary has been appointed as the in-charge of Baghpat.