RRB NTPC Exam Updates: Timetable for 11,558 Posts Expected Shortly

Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) are set to release the exam dates for NTPC 2024 undergraduate and graduate-level posts. Stay updated on the official announcements.

  • RRB NTPC 2024 will fill 11,558 posts, including 8,113 graduate-level and 3,445 undergraduate-level vacancies.
  • Two-stage CBT exams, Typing Skill Test, and Aptitude Test to be conducted based on the posts.
  • Registration closed in October 2024; official website updates awaited for exam dates.

The Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) are preparing to announce the exam dates for the much-awaited NTPC 2024 recruitment. These exams aim to fill 11,558 vacancies, with 8,113 graduate-level and 3,445 undergraduate-level posts. The official schedule will be made available on the respective RRB websites.

The application process for graduate-level posts was open from September 14 to October 13, while undergraduate-level applications were accepted from September 21 to October 20, 2024. Candidates are gearing up for a multi-stage selection process, including two-stage Computer-Based Tests (CBTs), Typing Skill Tests (TST), and Aptitude Tests, depending on the post applied for.

Key graduate-level positions include Station Master, Goods Train Manager, and Senior Clerk cum Typist, while undergraduate roles include Commercial cum Ticket Clerk and Accounts Clerk cum Typist. Candidates should regularly check their respective RRB websites for updates on exam dates, shift timings, and further instructions.