In a daring rescue operation, an Indian Air Force (IAF) aircraft successfully evacuated a patient with critical head injuries from Atting village in the Zanskar region of south Ladakh. The rescue mission became imperative as continuous snowfall had severed all ground access to the remote area.
The IAF, in a statement, disclosed that the patient was airlifted to Leh on Monday, highlighting the vital role of air support in emergency medical evacuations in such challenging terrain.
The IAF also shared images of the Cheetah helicopter involved in the airlift operation, underscoring the organization’s commitment to serving the nation even in the most adverse conditions.
The successful evacuation underscores the IAF’s dedication to its motto, “Har Kaam Desh Ke Naam” (Every Task in the Name of the Nation), as it continues to provide crucial assistance in remote and inaccessible regions across the country.
#IAF Cheetal helicopter successfully evacuated a patient with critical head injuries from Atting Village in the Zanskar region of South Ladakh, following continuous snowfall, which had cut off all ground access to the region.#HarKaamDeshkeNaam
— Indian Air Force (@IAF_MCC) March 4, 2024